Outside the Practice

Hi there! A little bit about myself personally:

My twin brother and I were born in Milton, Florida – a small town just outside of Pensacola. After years of practice away from home in Washington, D.C., and Miami Beach (Florida), I moved back home for the latter part of my professional career. Here in Pensacola I am involved in The First United Methodist Church — who my great, great grandfather was a circuit rider for in the South Alabama-North Florida District back in the early 1800s. My great love outside of plastic surgery is history, and I have been looking into an old family story of my great, great, great (that’s three greats!) uncle having been the president of Florida’s first state constitutional convention. All this keeps me busy, and aside from my practice, my pup Lilly is another great joy of mine. (she’s in the picture to the left!)

Along with all of this I am a member of the American Horticultural Association, the American Rose Society, and the Pensacola Rose Society. Being outdoors and getting my hands in the soil puts my soul where it should be.

I’m involved as a sponsor with the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra. I am an elected Member of the Board of Directors of the Escambia County Medical Society . As a clinical faculty member of the Alabama School of Osteopathic Medicine I offer students exposure to the clinical aspects of Plastic Surgery. With my interest in the fine arts I am a sponsor of the Gulf Coast Arts Festival which is held every year here in Pensacola and exposes artists of a variety of visual media to the public.

In short, I love being back home in Pensacola caring for patients which is what I am best at doing.

I hope you have a great day!