
Breast Reduction Surgery for Women

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that removes excess breast tissue (and preserving necessary blood supply) before lifting the remaining breast back into a natural position.

“Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that can offer a lot of benefit to patients,” explains Howell J. Tiller, MD, plastic surgeon at Pensacola Cosmetic Surgery. “Typical candidates have symptoms associated with their very large breasts, including neck or back pain, or rashes underneath the folds of their breasts.”

There are limitations to how far surgery can reduce breast size and still maintain a natural appearance. “The main goal of breast reduction is not to just change aesthetically how the patient looks, but to allow them to lead a healthier lifestyle,” explains Dr. Tiller. “So, when people ask me what size is appropriate, I tell them that I think the answer is what’s within the limits of what we can do surgically, and also one that aims for an overall balance with the rest of their body.”

Contact Dr. Tillers office for a free consultation about this prodedure – (850) 497-6707

16, January, 2019admin